OlderMusicGeek's Stupid Quotes

Just a dumping ground for quotes I like. Email me at OlderMusicGeek(at)yahoo(dot)com.

Monday, January 01, 1990


"You sold us out, Clark. You gave them the power that should have been ours. Just like your parents taught you to. My parents taught me a different lesson... lying on the street, shaking in deep shock, dying for no reason at all. They showed me that the world only makes sense when you force it to."
- Frank Miller, The Dark Knight Returns -

The trouble with trying to change the world, I once heard someone say, is weeks go by and nothing happens.
- Gregg Levoy, Callings -

What's done to children, they will do to society.
- Karl A. Menninger,psychiatrist (1893-1990)

I don't know what the world may want
But some words of wisdom could comfort us
Think I'll leave that up to someone wiser

Cause what the world needs now
Are some true words of wisdom
Like La La La La La La La La La
- David Lowery

In fact, the human heart is incapable of containing the world's suffering without breaking. Yet, only by breaking does it make from for the world's suffering.
- Gregg Levoy, Callings


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